A Favor for A Favor by Helena Hunting

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A Favor for a Favor by Helena Hunting
Series: All In #2

Released January 28, 2020

When I joined Seattle’s NHL expansion team, I thought it was the start of something great. But nothing ever goes the way you expect. Take my introduction to my new neighbor. She came rolling in on the hot mess express at midnight, making a racket while she tried to get into my team captain’s apartment. Did I mention that he’s married to a woman who definitely was not her?

Imagine my surprise when I end up with an injury that has me out of the game for weeks, and she’s the one to offer to help me. I should probably add that she’s not the captain’s mistress. She’s his sexy, pastel-haired younger sister.

So we come up with an arrangement: she rehabs me so that I can get back on the ice sooner, and she can add a professional athlete that isn’t her brother to her client list. Seems simple enough. As long as I can keep my hands to myself and my hormones in check.

I was told that A Favor for A Favor was even better than A Lie For A Lie and I didn’t think it was possible. I will say that they are very close, but since I prefer a surprise baby over slow burn that the first book in the All In Series won out for me.

The chemistry these two had not quite right off the bat was tantalizing! I loved the way they messed with each other and really got into each others heads from the start. It’s the whole I hate you but I don’t really hate, I just like you so much I don’t quite know how to deal with it situation. Kind of elementary school, where you are mean to the girl you like, but not really mean… you just don’t know how to talk to a girl lol.

A Favor for A Favor was quite reminiscent of Pucked Up, with the the teammates dating the other ones sisters. Although, I will say that they handled it much better than Alex did. Speaking of Alex, I’m adoring him as a coach, but I do miss all of the other women from the Pucked series.

A Favor for a Favor is exactly what I have come to expect from Helena Hunting with romantic comedy hockey romances, she has truly cornered the market for me.

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