Top 5 Reasons Why Reading is the Best Form of Self Care

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Fabiola Francisco, author of the upcoming release, Promise You, has stopped by to talk to us about Self-Care, and why reading is so important.

We’ve all heard the saying, self-care isn’t selfish. Some may agree, others may wonder what exactly self-care is. Is it exercising and eating healthy? Is it meditation? Or does it mean I have to buy an adult coloring book?

I’m here to repeat the phrase you may have heard numerous times: Taking care of ourselves isn’t selfish, it’s a necessity. Without making sure we are healthy—mentally, emotionally, physically—and balanced, we cannot be there for others. As much as we’d want to help those around us, if we are not in alignment, we can’t offer our best selves to those we care about.

Self-care is anything you do that is for your own well-being. Really, it can be anything that helps you release stress, get more in-tune with yourself, and make you feel better. We’re all here for one main reason—books. We love them, we want them, we hoard them.

Reading is one of my favorite self-care activities. I know that when I grab my book or kindle, I will be guaranteed time that is sacred for me. Whether I’m reading a rom-com, an emotional women’s fiction, or contemporary romance, reading allows me to take a step back from my anxiety and worries.

Life can be stressful, challenging, and some days feel like it’s going to crush us. Having things that allow us to disconnect and relax is crucial. Reading gives us the ability to move into our imagination and expand it. It gives us hope and brings a smile to our faces.

Reading is one of my favorite self-care activities. I know that when I grab my book or kindle, I will be guaranteed time that is sacred for me.

1. It calms our mind

Reading takes away all the ugliness in the world that we see on a daily in the news, on social media, and hear on the radio. It allows us to take a step back from the pressure of work and family. Laughing releases endorphins, which trigger positive feelings, so if we read a book that makes us laugh, we’re already telling our brain to help us feel happy. Anything that makes us happy, is already part of a self-care routine.

2. It expands our imagination

Reading gives us the opportunity to use our imagination to visualize the world we’re reading. It allows us to imagine endless possibilities and break away from the box life and society has built in our minds. Reading has no limitations, and we’re taken back to when we were children and no dream was too big.

When reading, we give our mind permission to run wild—imagine a world with a pink stunning waterfall in a fantasy book, a super sexy book boyfriend that will out-do every grand gesture because of love, and a small town full of charm and gossip that makes us want to pack our bags and move there.

When we expand our imagination, we grow as human beings and release stress. Our creativity becomes front and center as we move beyond the constraints of our stress and day-to-day routine.


3. It helps build relationships

Super introvert here! It’s not easy for me to approach people or even join in on conversations because I get a dose of anxiety that freezes me from speaking. Self-doubt creeps in, and I tell myself every excuse to be quiet, walk away, stay at home. I’ve found that through reading, I’ve met people I feel comfortable with. It’s helped grow my self-confidence. At times, I catch myself thinking about my favorite heroines and finding strength in their courage. Because of this, I’ve made friendships I wouldn’t have otherwise. It gives us a common thread, a sense of community.

4. It harbors a sense of acceptance and empathy

Piggy-backing on number three, reading shows us how people are different through the characters we meet. They feel real to us, and while we judge them to an extent, I also believe we’re more lenient because they are fictional. Through reading about different characters, we encourage acceptance of all types of people and all beliefs.

For me, personally, it’s helped with my self-acceptance. I see reflections of myself in characters I read, and suddenly the things I judged about myself are seen in a different light. Reading builds our empathy so we may be more understanding of people, their experiences, and their emotions, as well as our own.

Throughout life, we meet mirrors of ourselves so we may learn and grow. This is the same with reading and the characters we love. Reading allows us to take a step back and look at ourselves in a different a light, a more positive one. When we’re no longer preoccupied judging ourselves, we can live a happy and full life.


5. You can do it anywhere

Reading is something you can do anywhere. You can install your reading apps on your phone or carry your book with you to work, the park, the mall, the grocery store (my favorite is to read while waiting in line—talk about keep my patience in check!). If you’re feeling overwhelmed or in need of a five-minute break, you can read a few pages and clear your mind. Seriously, I used to get really frustrated and agitated when I’d go to the grocery store and the lines were long and slow-moving. Until I started opening my Kindle app and reading. It eased my stress, slowed me down so I wasn’t on the go all the time, and put a smile on my face. It got to a point where I would purposefully stand in long lines so I can have a few extra minutes to read.


It’s easy to come up with excuses and reasons why we shouldn’t take time for ourselves and our self-care routines. Family, work, friends.  However, as I mentioned above, we cannot be there for the people we love if we are not 100% well. Taking the time to de-stress, become calm, and simply be is as important as eating and going to a doctor for annual check-ups. Self-care is a preventative step so we may be healthy and happy. So, grab your favorite book, take time by yourself, and calm your mind.

Do you take time for self-care? If so, I’d love to know what practices you use!

About Fabiola Francisco

Fabiola is a romance and women’s fiction author, originally from Miami, FL, and recently traded her flip flops for boots when she moved to Spain. She writes imperfect love stories, using her knowledge as a life coach with her characters to create real-life stories. When she isn’t reading or writing, she’s spending time outdoors and drinking way too much coffee.

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