What Makes You Rage in Reading?
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I know that I have been there, so I’m just going out on a limb and assume that you have been there, too. That moment when you have the strongest urge to hulk and throw the book you are reading against a wall because the characters just DON’T FREAKING GET IT!! I have been so, so close to throwing mine, multiple times, but then I realize that I am reading on my phone and it will break.
This is why if you haven’t noticed by looking at my favorite reads that I typically stick to romantic comedies and lighter reads. I’m not as ragey, but still these have caused me to have a freak out or two.

Don’t these characters know what happens when you assume?? I mean that’s a lesson taught at an early age! Let me give you an example. I’m not going to tell you the book, but let’s just say that our h had decided that her crush wasn’t feeling her, and she had legit reason. So I figure that somewhere along the way that lines got crossed and a rumor or gossip was spread, that she was told this about him, right. I’m reading to figure out why… then we finally get there and he asks her why she thought this and BOOM! SHE FREAKING ASSUMED!!
I mean. WHY? If you don’t want to ask him, even though he’s one of your best friends, why not go and ask his roommate that is ALSO one of your best friends? So, all this time I thought that there was a legit reason. THERE WASN’T. That’s my most recent ragey moment. I actually messaged another friend who had already the book and was shouty cap yelling at her because I was just so angry!
Know what else makes me rage, when I’m reading? When the character is too much like me! Haha. I’m single, so when these women in my romance novels sit there and just assume that a man is after them to get in their pants I get so pissed. How dare you assume that about him, because he is clearly smitten with you. But guess what I do every single time a man shows interest in me?
That’s right, I assume he just wants to get in my pants. So, why then I realize that I’m judging this girls actions that are just like me own and then not only am I upset with the character, but I’m upset with myself.
How about this example, incase you haven’t been enranged my by examples yet. You know, that you are reading a duet, you expect a cliffhanger, you really do, but are you ever really and truly prepared for that cliff? I mean really? I’m sure as hell not.
A few awful endings….
Ex. 1. The h is tired and keeps throwing up, but she has slept with a couple of men, so if she is pregnant, we have no idea who the dad is… she sits on the toilet and pees on the stick sits in on the counter to wait for the results… TO BE CONTINUED.
Ex 2. THE BLINDSIDE… you go to surprise your man, because duh. That’s ALWAYS a great idea, right?? (Can we all agree that NEVER ends well?) You get to the door and either a gorgeous woman, probably wearing only a towel or your man’s shirt or.. OR get this… a CHILD and who could this child’s father be?? Oh you know… no other than YOUR BOYFRIENDS. And then guess what happens?
That’s right, you’re getting the hang of this.
What makes you rage in reading? I know I can’t be alone in my hulking out to books. It’s just not possible. Please share in my misery with me!
What makes me rage.. cheating can’t tajke it or I loved you so much but had to sleep with everyone else because didn’t know what to do with you but you were on my mind… haaaaaattttteeee that