Parental Guidance by Avery Flynn

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Parental Guidance by Avery Flynn

Released June 7, 2019

All I want is to play hockey on the Ice Knights, instead, I’m in a viral video for all the wrong reasons and my mom—yes, my mom—has taken over my dating apps. Then, when I think it can’t get any worse, the fates deliver Zara Ambrose, a five-feet-nothing redhead with more freckles than inches and who’d rather be anywhere other than on a date with me.

Now a bet with her friends and my PR nightmare have us both stuck in this go-on-five-dates-with-the-same-person hell situation. But if we band together, we can get the whole thing over with and go on with our lives. It’s perfect! No feelings. No future. No fuc— *ahem* fun. No naked fun.

What could go wrong? Nothing—as long as I remember the rules. Don’t notice the way she looks in a dress. Don’t react when she does that little shivery sigh thing whenever we touch. Don’t think about the fact that she’s never had a toe-curling orgasm that wasn’t self-delivered and just how badly I want to change that.

Five dates—that’s it—and then we go our separate ways. At least, that was the plan..

Oh what a fun listen Parental Guidance was! It was just what I needed in the midst of a pandemic where everything is just monotonous and we don’t have sports to watch. *cue tears*

I was a little nervous going in that I might find myself comparing the characters to that of the Pucked series, but even though it was the same sport… I didn’t! Although most of the story takes places off the ice I enjoyed the balance of it!

The angst was low and the laughter and romance were high and that is just what I was looking for in a story. I wanted to swoon and fall in love. I really liked the fact that neither of them went into these parent arranged dates actually looking for love, so when they did it was that much sweeter to watch. Although, as a side note of sorts, I really kind of thought their parents were going to get together at one point and that sure would have been an exciting twist to the story.

I thought it was so cute how Caleb was kind of clueless in the dating department and how he tried so hard, but didn’t fully get what he wasn’t doing all at the same time. I wanted to squeeze him for how hard he tried, and I was occasionally annoyed at Zara for not seeing that he was trying. But hey, that’s life, right?

If you are looking for a fun and sexy sports romance that’s how off the ice and intense on, then Parental Guidance is just the story for you!

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