
MK Moore: Exclusive Interview & Excerpt

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Hi! I’m so excited to share Love by Design with you! This story has so many of my favorite things: a hunky carpenter, a heroine getting back on her feet, a heavy dose of sexual tension, and a second chance at love. Plus, magic pancakes. It’s steamy and sweet and I hope you fall for Grayson and Annika as hard as I did!

I had the chance to interview MK Moore ahead of her new release, Let Me Stay, a second chance romance in the 425 Madison Series.

What is your favorite thing to do when you aren’t wearing your author hat?

 Watch The Office.

What is the most recent book to make you cry? 

It was Elisa Leigh’s Their Virgin Valentine. I love a sexy happily ever after!

What would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal? Why? 

A penguin! I love them so much! They are the cutest!

What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex? 

Emotion! I always do too much or too little!

Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find? 

I do! I love Easter eggs. 

How long on average does it take you to write a book? 

Novellas? About a week. Full length-way too long. I get distracted easily!

If you could go back and give your younger self advice, what would it be? 

Don’t give up! Things will get better!

Do you have any tips or hacks that help you stay organized in life, writing or social media? 

Post-its are my friend! I use them for everything!

If a reader discovers your books today, where would you recommend they start reading? 

At the beginning! Brother In Law to Love!  

Book Info

Brendan knew from the moment he saw her that he had to have her. Brynn couldn’t deny the attraction between them. But will Brendan let Brynn stay when he finds out the truth? Readers will indulge with this virgin romance from MK Moore. The 425 Madison series’ second season comes to an end with LET ME STAY, which is now live!

About the 425 Madison Series

Welcome to 425 Madison Ave the perfect place to fall in love. Nine delicious romances set in fast-paced & sexy NYC just waiting for you to read.

This season will feature some new authors as well as some of season one’s favs. Back for season two is Allie York, Leigh Lennon, MK Moore, Aubree Valentine, Lauren Helms, and Katy Ames. Plus a warm welcome to KC Enders, and Marcie Shumway! Not only do we have a sexy mix of new and returning authors, prepare for pages packed with new romances, characters, and tropes all from the same well-loved high-rise apartment building in NYC.

Not only do we have a sexy mix of new and returning authors, prepare for pages packed with new romances, characters, and tropes all from the same well-loved high-rise apartment building in NYC. 

Make sure to follow the 425 Madison Avenue Facebook page for more on release dates, cover reveals and author spotlights. For exclusive excerpts, giveaways, and news subscribe to our 425 Madison newsletter!

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Romance Novel Excerpts

Copyright @ 2020 MK Moore

“Have a good night, Thomas,” Brendan says.

“You too, Mister O’Neal. Ma’am,” Thomas answers, tipping his hat to us. I nod to him and let him lead me to the elevator. It opens as soon as he hits the button. Inside, he presses the button that takes us to the twenty-seventh floor. Going left once we leave the elevator; we stop at the third door on the left. 2705. I am amazed at the view when he opens the door, and it is a wall of windows overlooking Madison Avenue. 

“Wow. This is so beautiful,” I exclaim.

“It really is,” he says just as much in awe as I am, but then I realize that he is looking at me and not at the view.

“Can you show me where I can freshen up?” I ask breathlessly. My face feels heated, and I know that I am blushing. 

‘Let Me Stay’ by MK Moore

“Of course, Cherry,” he says, taking my hand again. 

“Well, that certainly is a nickname no one has ever called me,” I say, wondering if I have “virgin” stamped on my forehead or something.

“You most definitely do not have “virgin” stamped on your forehead,” he replies. Shit, I had not realized I said that out loud. “But you are covered in cherry juice, which is slightly more overpowering than the beer,” he says, chuckling. 

Inside what I know has to be his bedroom, I am shocked to see the biggest bed I have ever seen taking up a large portion of the room.

“What size bed is that?” I ask, curious.

“Alaskan King.” 

“Oh, wow,” I mumble. 

“My interior designer recommended it due to my height.” 

“Ah, makes sense.” He is ridiculously tall. I’m 5’4, and he towers above me. 

“How about that shower?” he asks.

“How about joining me?” I ask in reply, rather boldly. Never have I uttered that phrase in response to a shower. I do not know what’s come over me or why I am acting this way, but he brings something out in me. This feels like something more than a one-night stand. I have to see where this goes. 

About MK Moore

MK is married to the love of her life. She lives in Tennessee with her husband. She is an avid reader and loves telling steamy stories she deems filthy contemporary. She loves meeting readers, so come hang out with her!

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