Interview with bad boy dad, Seth Hudson, from Minor Trouble by Julie Archer

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Seth Hudson’s relationship with the teenage son is hanging on by a thread. Guidance counselor Ainsley Coren is ready to help the father and son reconnect. Will Seth and his son be able to move forward and with Ainsley by their side, or will this minor trouble become too much? Readers will swoon for this redeemed hero romance featuring a sexy but lovable bad boy dad. Fall in love with your next book boyfriend with Minor Trouble by Julie Archer, the last book in the Single Dad’s Romance series.

Seth Hudson has a reputation for being the “bad boy”. Trouble in his teen years led him down the wrong path but now, at almost thirty, he’s gotten his life together and things are going well. Until the fateful phone call that changes everything. 

Thirteen years ago, Seth fathered a child and was all but forced out of the boy’s life. With Noah’s mother passing away, it’s up to Seth to step up to the plate and raise the son he barely knows. But what does he know about parenting a teenager? 

Ainsley Coren has just moved to Cali Cross and is starting over as the high school guidance counselor. It doesn’t take long for her to encounter the troubled teen and his single father who are holding on by a thread. 

Making it her mission to help save this broken family, Ainsley steps in and goes above and beyond with the father and son duo. The more time she spends helping them, the more she slowly finds herself falling for the reformed bad boy/single dad. 

Can they make things work or will Ainsley bolt at the first sign of minor trouble?

Minor Trouble is an angsty contemporary romance featuring a redeemed hero and the guidance counselor who steals his heart. Download today and get ready to fall in love with your next favorite book boyfriend.

Dad, Seth Hudson, 29

Child: Noah, 13

Quick Bio

How do I make myself not look bad? How about we focus on the positive: I have a job as a mechanic in Riley’s Garage in Cali Cross and count Maddox as my best friend. He’s been a huge part of helping me pick myself up after a few, ahem, bad decisions I’m not exactly proud of. Let’s just say I have a bit of a chequered past, but all that changed when I got sole custody of my son, Noah.

What advice would you give to other single fathers?

*Laughs* Honestly, I’m the worst person to ask for advice. But if I didn’t have a support network around me, who knows what could have happened? I realized I had to grow up too, now I have someone else to look after.

What’s the hardest part of parenting on your own?

Not having someone else to talk things through with. Because I didn’t have a clue what I was doing, I didn’t always understand Noah’s needs and focused on myself. Until Ainsley stepped in, I was trying to make all the decisions on my own.

What’s a skill every single dad should/what tool should he have in his arsenal?

Well, it’s not a skill, but I wish I’d been able to ask for help sooner, then Noah and I could have made a more solid start to our relationship.

What’s your favorite thing to do with your kid(s)?

Throwing a ball around in the park with Noah and my friends. Or eating Mexican food and watching movies with him and Ainsley. The first time we did these things together brings back great memories for me.

If you could teach your child(ren) one thing what would it be?

Not to make the same mistakes I did! Although I guess I didn’t turn out so bad… *winks*

Seven single dads, all from different walks of life and doing the best they can to raise their children – are ready to make you fall in love. 

From the celebrity dad just trying to protect the ones he loves from the spotlight…to the silver fox who’s out to prove it’s never too late to have a family of your own – this single dads collection guarantees to bring you a whole lot of love and of course, a happily ever after. 

Look no further, your next book boyfriend is here!

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About Julie Archer

Julie Archer is the author of contemporary romance featuring rock stars, small towns, a healthy dose of angst, some steamy times, and always a happy ever after!

When not writing, she can usually be found binge-watching teen drama series on Netflix, or supporting Spurs (the English Premier League football team, not the American basketball team!) from my armchair, and running around after her two feline children, Corey and Elsa.
Real angst. Real romance.

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