Meet Author Marie Flanigan

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Marie Flanigan just released the second book the Annie Fitch Mysteries, Hidden Fury. I really enjoyed the first book, Exposed Fury, the case was convoluted and I was shocked to find out who the killer was.

I can’t wait to dive into Hidden Fury, but until that time… let’s get to know Marie Flanigan really quick!

HEA Novel Thoughts: What is your favorite thing to do when you aren’t wearing your author hat?

Marie Flanigan: I’m big on walking. I probably walk 4.5 to 5 miles a day most days. I usually listen to music when I walk, and I find it really helps clear my mind. Often, I will return from a walk with a plot point sorted, a scene developed, or a decision made.

HEA: What is the most recent book to make you cry?

MF: The last book to make me cry was Motor Girl by Terry Moore. It wasn’t at all what I expected it to be, so it caught me off guard and made my cry. I wish I could explain further but that would ruin the book.

HEA: What would you choose as your mascot/avatar? Why?

MF: I guess my miniature pinscher is my mascot, because she’s with me most of the time.

HEA:  What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex? 

MF: Any time I’m writing characters of the opposite sex, I’m careful not to make them all the same guy with different names. 

HEA: Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find? 

MF: Yes. All three of my books take place in the same county even though my first book, One Big Beautiful Thing, is not part of the Annie Fitch Mysteries. Careful readers will see a character from the first book mentioned in Exposed Fury.

HEA:  How long on average does it take you to write a book?

MF: Roughly two years.

HEA: If you could go back and give your younger self advice, what would it be?

MF: Open a Roth IRA the second you get your first job. The first time you get a job that offers a 401K, invest as much as you can as soon as you can. It’s hard to make money as a writer in a market with so much entertainment available. Invest wisely early.

HEA: Do you have any tips or hacks that help you stay organized in life, writing or social media?

MF: I use the alarm feature on my phone all the time to remind me to do things. Evernote is my constant companion on all my devices. I type so much faster than I write, and it’s legible when I’m done, so I’m definitely digital regarding organization and writing. As for social media, I’m contractually required to be on Facebook and strongly encouraged to be on other platforms, so I’m also on Twitter, Instagram, BookBub, and Goodreads. I can’t say I love maintaining a presence on social media, but I understand that it’s part of the job in today’s world. I do enjoy interacting with readers and social media allows me to do that in ways that wouldn’t be possible without it.

HEA: Do you relate more to one of your characters than the others?

MF: Not really. My characters are all individuals with their own lives and backstories, none of which are mine. Do I share things in common with them? Yes, of course, but none of them are me or anyone else lifted whole from my life.

HEA: If a reader discovers your books today, where would you recommend they start reading?

MF: Exposed Fury is the first of the Annie Fitch Mysteries and Hidden Fury is the sequel. One Big Beautiful Thing is not a mystery. It’s contemporary fiction/romance/women’s fiction and is separate from the series. That being said, each book is a stand-alone story that can be enjoyed by itself.

Grab your copy of Hidden Fury today!

About Marie Flanigan

Marie Flanigan grew up all over the Commonwealth of Virginia as the youngest of three girls. Star Wars and comic books dominated her youth. She has a couple of degrees from George Mason University and is a licensed Private Investigator. Over the years, she's been a disc jockey, a web developer, and a children's librarian.

An avid gamer, she reviews video games for After nine car accidents, five concussions, and brain surgery, she decided that perhaps she was more suited to a quieter life. She and her husband and three dogs live happily and somewhat chaotically outside of Washington DC.

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