July Wrap Up + Book Haul

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I’m trying something a little different this month and doing a wrap and a book haul! I seriously love my video of me actually talking about the books, but if you prefer read about it just scroll down a bit.

Hi guys it’s Joy with HEA Novel Thoughts and I’m here with my July wrap-up! IT has been asked by at least one person if I would do wrap ups and hauls. So today, I’m going to do both in on because I didn’t read much and I didn’t get very many books or buy very many books as much because budget is tight on your son’s birthday month, am I right?

So I read five books this month and most of them were actually more thriller and suspense bit I also read some romantic comedies, so what do you say we begin?

First I read, Pretty Revenge by Emily Liebert this book I thought was going to be more revenge and hate-filled but I actually felt it was a little petty at times like the whole premise was this girl was robbed because her mother grandmother was robbed and so she wants to get back after this girl and by going to work for her and bring her down and bring down her company and I just it wasn’t what I expected. 

Sometimes if I go into a book with expectations and the expectations aren’t what I want I just get very disappointed. I said Pretty Revenge? More like petty revenge. I really couldn’t understand why these grown women were acting so childish and immature I hate to be so harsh but sometimes you just have to be. These women were just, I just didn’t like the way they were acting. They really irritated me.

Review of Pretty Revenge

Then I read Layover by David Bell these people were freaking nuts. Like what the hell what are y’all thinking?!? This guy meets this woman in the bar of an airport and they have this passionate kiss and he’s just like oh my gosh there’s just such a real connection here! I just need more of this woman!! 

She goes to her flight he gets in line for heads and the next thing you know he sees a report on the news that oh this girl’s missing so what is he going to do? Of course the logical thing he goes and tracks her down and gets on a plane with her!!! By logical thing, I’m being facetious!

Anyway, this man just tangles himself up into this woman’s problems without really knowing what was going on or why she was running from or why she was missing! Goodness, it’s crazy, she’s crazy, he’s crazy, the people, everyone involved is absolutely nuts, outside of our detective. I just felt so bad for her because she has all this drama with her child because she’s divorced.She wanted to be there for her daughter but she couldn’t because of the case. Oh my gosh, it’s crazy! If you like books with crazy psychotic people you’re gonna love Layover!

Review of Layover

Next up I read The Wedding Party by Jasmine Guillory, I loved this book, it was my first one by Jasmine. I’ve heard great, great things about her books and after reading this one I completely understand why. It was a hilarious hate to love, secret romance and I was totally charmed. I just, I love Theo, he’s the sweetest man and he put up with so much, because he loved this woman even though he thought that she hated him and vice versa! They both thought that they were hiding it from their best friend, do you think the best friend knew or not? 

There’s only one way for you to find out and I’m not telling! Unless you private message me and then I might! Shhh. 

Review of The Wedding Party

Next up I have Making Up by Helena Hunting, this book was so cute! It’s the brother from Shacking Up and Hooking Up and this book was so dirty and so sexy and so funny. I mean if you’ve read a Helena book you know what you’re going to expect. The girl or heroine in the book works at an adult toy store and that’s where they meet because it’s someone’s bachelor party. He’s going in to buy these party supplies and he’s older than her, I mean who doesn’t love a good age gap, right? So basically they get going and then of course the douchebag cousin walks in and what does he do?? Causes all the problems! If you love a good douchey character that causes problems then you are going to love this! Plus it Helena, you can’t really go wrong!

Review of Making Up

Finally, my last read for this month, The arrangement by Robyn Harding and once again this is another book with absolutely nutty characters! This girl is like 18, 19, 20 right in there and she moved to New York go to design school. She’s broke but she has bills because it’s New York and with college and everything. So she enters into a sugar baby/sugar daddy relationship and let me just tell you, you were not different little girl but she thought she was she thought that he’d loved her and that he would do anything for her. Oh he would to a point, except for the fact that he’s lying to you sweet girl and he is still married!!

Y’all it’s just so much and all these characters are crazy! From the sugar baby, the sugar daddy, the wife the daughter and on! And I loved it! It’s twisty. It’s intense. It’s shocking. Y’all I just I really can’t  recommend this enough. If you are into thrillers and mysteries and whodunit you’re gonna love this!

Review of The Arrangement

That’s what I have read so far in the month of July!

If you want to check out the two books I hauled this month skip to the 8 minute marker on the video!

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