Interview with Quarter Back, Carson Ward, from Flag On The Play by Kay Gordon

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Carson Ward goes from star Quarterback to single dad the second his ex drops a newborn off on his doorstep, he needs help, and luckily for him, his best friend’s sister, Abby Lauder is ready to rise to the challenge. But can the two go from secret crushes to dirty diapers and late-night feedings without ruining the walls that have been built or will they realize that love is worth the risk? Readers will swoon for this Best Friend’s Sibling romance featuring a sexy doorstep dad. Fall in love with your next book boyfriend with Flag on the Play by Kay Gordon, the next book in the Single Dad’s Romance series. 

Carson Ward’s life might seem glamorous but he’s a simple guy. He loves football, his family, and spending time with his friends. His biggest flaw might just be the fact that he has a secret crush on his best friend’s little sister and has for years.

Abby Lauder is a free spirit and loves seeing life through the lens of her camera. As the photographer for a professional football team, she’s used to being just one of the guys. Whether she’s taking pictures of nature or pictures of football players, she never fails to catch the perfect image. So what if her camera lingers on her brother’s best friend a bit longer than others?

When Carson’s ex-girlfriend drops a newborn baby off on his doorstep, he’s caught completely unaware. He never dreamed that he would go from star quarterback to a single dad in an instant. Luckily, he has help from those around him- including Abby. But, taking care of a newborn baby isn’t easy and it’ll require the quarterback and the photographer to spend even more time together. 

Amidst the diaper changes and late night feedings, hiding their feelings from each other will be harder than they think. Besides, their relationship is taboo in far too many ways for things to really go anywhere between them…right? 

Or maybe Carson and Abby will realize that sometimes love is worth the risk.

Carson Ward, 29

Child: Beth Ward, six weeks old.

Quick Bio

Well, I guess the most interesting thing about me is that I love football. I’m the quarterback for the Colorado Wildcats and I think it’s pretty awesome that I get paid to play the sport I love. Outside of football, I like to hang out with my best friend and teammate, Trevor. I also enjoy old cars, video games, and spending time with my family.

What advice would you give to other single fathers?

Ha, to throw out anything you THOUGHT you knew and be flexible. I swear, 96% of parenting is changing what you were going to do and adapting to what needs to be done in that moment. I would also find people that you can depend on to help you out. Maybe that’s helping you with the kids or maybe that’s just helping you remember that you’re more than a father. I’m not sure what I would do without having Trevor and his sister, Abby, to lean on.

What’s the hardest part of parenting on your own?

Sometimes it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day when you’re raising kids alone. Juggling work and home is hard and it seems like there is always something else that needs to be done, even when I think I’ve done it all! (Also, I’m pretty sure laundry is never-ending at this point!)

What’s a skill every single dad should/what tool should he have in his arsenal?

I’m sure that other father’s have different advice since they’re more seasoned than I am, but my biggest piece of advice right now is to have the new diaper ready BEFORE you remove the old diaper. I learned that the hard way!

What’s your favorite thing to do with you kid(s)?

She’s still little but that means she’s super cuddly! I love sitting with her in my arms and reading her books (or anything, really.) Those big blue eyes hang on every word I say! I know that one day she’ll be too big and too cool for me, so I’ll take these moments while I can.

If you could teach you child(ren) one thing what would it be?

I want Beth to understand how important family is. Without my family, I wouldn’t be who I am. I hope that she appreciates the family we have- blood or otherwise- and draws her strength from them when she needs to.

Seven single dads, all from different walks of life and doing the best they can to raise their children – are ready to make you fall in love. 

From the celebrity dad just trying to protect the ones he loves from the spotlight…to the silver fox who’s out to prove it’s never too late to have a family of your own – this single dads collection guarantees to bring you a whole lot of love and of course, a happily ever after. 

Look no further, your next book boyfriend is here!

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About Kay Gordon

Kay Gordon is a married mother of two living near the west coast. She spends her days teaching young, impressionable minds in public school and evenings typing away furiously once her children are in bed. Her favorite genres to read are Contemporary Romance and New Adult/College romance, although she rarely denies a good paranormal or dystopian! When she's not teaching or writing, Kay loves to spend time with her family. They're all a bunch of nerds who can quote Disney movies and Star Wars quickly!

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