International Player by Louise Bay

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 International Player is a must read friends to lovers that will have you falling in love and having your heart break for both Truly and Noah!
International Player by Louise Bay

Released January 22, 2019

Being labelled a player never stopped me from being successful with women. Until I met Truly Harbury.

Truly was the first girl who ever turned me down.

The first female friend I ever had.

And she might just be the first woman I ever fall in love with.

When an emergency means she needs my help running her family’s charity, I’m happy to introduce her to the glitz and glamour of the London business world—taking her to dinners, coaching her through speeches, zipping up the sexy evening gown I helped her pick out.

The more time we spend together, the more I want to convince her I’m not a man to avoid, that we’re not as unsuited as she believes.

She sees herself as the book-reading, science-loving introvert while I’m the dangerous, outgoing, charmer.

She thinks I love parties and people whereas she prefers pajamas and a takeaway.

What she doesn’t realize is that I like everything about her–the way her smile lights up a room, how her curves light up my imagination, and especially the way her lips taste when coated with tequila.

She’s the first woman I ever fell in love with. I just need to know if she could ever love me too.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

International Player was my first Louise Bay novel and it most certainly will not be my last!

I listened to International Play on the Audible Romance Package, the narrators accents were perfection and tantalizing. I couldn’t wait to push play on the story and get back to business with Truly and Noah.

Truly had always had unrequited feelings for Noah and thought that she would never be in his league and even if something were to happen between them she was worried her heart would shatter because he had a pattern of getting bored with women after three months and she was terrified. 

After coming hom after six years in NYC, Noah wasn’t sure what he would do next and when he started helping Truly with the foundation she runs with her twin sister, he realizes that there is a much deeper connection there than just friendship.

When the two start up a friends with benefits relationship the heat really turns up and things get ultra complicated and it’s sexy as hell to hear these two fight the pull and attraction all the while trying to figure it all out.

International Player is a must read that will have you falling in love and having your heart break for both Truly and Noah! Want more audio? Check out my review of Faking It!

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