Improve Your Instagram Bio in Under 5 Minutes

I’m in a fairly unique position as I am both a blogger and own an Instagram tour company.  I get to work with authors on multiple fronts. I have learned a few things from this experience that will be valuable to authors.  I have three quick actionable steps that you can implement in under five minutes.

These steps will make your profile more recognizable and easier for your fans to tag you, which will increase your reach on the fastest growing social media platform, Instagram. All three things we are working on today will be in your ‘edit profile’ section.

Three Quick Instagram Bio Tips for authors


I have seen some interesting Instagram handles and I’m assuming that authors originally used these profiles as their personal profile they probably set up years ago and weren’t thinking about using Instagram as a marketing tool.  That’s totally fine, but if your handle is something like @unicornsk8r I’m not going think that’s really an author, and you will be more difficult to find.

When I’m trying to tag an author in an Instagram story and they won’t pull up because they aren’t using their name I get frustrated because I want the author to know I’m talking about them.  If I can’t find it and have to exit out of the story to go find it, I get really irritated and sometimes I will completely skip over talking about the author period.

I would recommend updating your handle one of three ways.

Example 1) janedoe
Example 2) authorjanedoe
Example 3) janedoeauthor

These are the most likely ways that you will be searched when a reader or blogger is searching for you on Instagram. If you aren’t easily found you are missing out on potential new readers.


While we are talking about names, let’s tweak our actual name on Instagram.  This is the name that is below your handle but bold and above your bio. With the name being bolded, you will want people to know when they glance at your profile quickly.

On my profile I have, my handle as @heanovelthoughts but my Instagram name is Joy | Romance Book Blogger, so you know instantly what exactly it is that I do. So, if you are known for a particular type of books I would recommend putting in there in your name section.

Example 1) Jane Doe | Contemporary Romance Author
Example 2) Jane Doe (USA Today Best Selling Author)
Example 3) Jane Doe: Small Town Romance Author

This is important when someone sees that you were tagged in a post and they go check out your profile they will know right away more about what you write.  If they see something they love to read they are more likely to follow through with a click on your link.


I think bios trip people up more than anything. We all over think them and the experts are always telling us what to do but nothing ever seems to fit.  Well I’m going to make this simple for you. We are once again going to reiterate that you are an author. I know this feels redundant, but it needs to be said.

When you are writing your bio don’t stuff the fact that you’re an author in the end of your bio, but put it right up front. I would also recommend putting your email address in your bio. If a blogger wants to collaborate with you, and they are on their desktop, they won’t see your email button that is in your profile.  

Lover of Criminal Minds
Pizza and Chili
Collab: test@testemails. com
New book coming soon

If you update your profile I would love to see a before and after screenshot! Add it to your story and tag me at @heanovelthoughts or @happilyeverinsta_tours!! I love seeing the results of your effort!  Make sure you are following me on Instagram!

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