Hollywood Princess by Natasha Madison

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 If you love a sexy slow burning romance with a touch of suspense, you will love everything about Hollywood Princess - a celebrity/bodyguard romance.
Hollywood Princess by Natasha Madison
Series: Hollywood Royalty #2

Released February 26, 2019

Behind the “lights, camera, action” of Hollywood lies a world of deception, love, and seduction.

Are you ready for Hollywood Royalty?


An Oscar, a Tony, an Emmy, a Grammy—she has them all.
She’s the most sought-after woman in Hollywood.
Even if her rise to fame was a fluke, you can’t deny the camera loves her.
The problem is, so does everyone else, and she’s about to leave on the biggest concert tour of her life. 
Headlining for the first time in five years.

Around the world in ninety days. Should be a piece of cake.
Until her new security detail walks in the room and she’s looking into the eyes of the only man who didn’t fall for her charm.

It’s only a matter of time until he falls for Hollywood’s Princess.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Hollywood Princess is the highly anticipated follow up to Natasha Madison’s Hollywood Playboy. I devoured it and the suspense element kicked up the story a notch.

I need to get the one thing off my chest about Hollywood Princess before I dive into all the things I enjoyed about it. In Hollywood Playboy, things with Jessica and Kellie overlapped and I expected to see this scene from Kellie’s point of view and we didn’t get to see that. That’s the only thing that really and truly ruffled my feathers.

Now that I have that off my chest I can tell you that I’ve been craving a stalker in a romance, it’s an element that really ups the fear factor of a romance. When you have that gritty intensity in romance it just does it for me you know? Like YES! PROTECT YOUR WOMAN! I don’t know if that even makes sense really.

When a man has an actual reason to be all macho alpha. It just does it for me. 

The foreplay in this novel was something special. Let me tell you, there is just something about a couple waiting to dive headfirst into sex that I find oh so sexy. The waiting and slow burning buildup to the big act was fire. 

The mystery as to who Kellie’s stalker was had me stumped right up until the end. If you love a sexy slow burning romance with a touch of suspense, you will love everything about Hollywood Princess. 

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