5 Types of Very Frustrating Heroines

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Lately I’ve been reading a lot of romantic comedies, per usual, but in the two most recent I’ve really struggled to connect with the heroine. Not just disconnected, but these women have been damn near cringe-worthy!  

Typically I can get over most behavior and I realize that not every single book character is one I’ll love, kind of like the alpha-hole that I have ranted about before, but these women and just working my nerves! I’m about a quarter way into both of these books and I am really going to power through and hope that there is character growth and that in the end (what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger) I come to love the woman.

I’m going to start by talking about the two current heroine’s that are irritating me and then go into other heroine tropes that make me crazy.  Shall we?

Miss Interpreter:

This is the woman that takes everything the hero says wrong. She twists everything he says into whatever she thinks he wants to mean, and usually it’s not how our hero intended it to be.  Granted as a reader we know more than the character but… UGH! JUST COME ON!

Pretentious Princess:

This heroine is not one that I encounter often, but when I do she causes me to DNF like it’s NOTHING. I read on recently and she and her friend LITERALLY called the hero trash. TRASH. Asking what gutter did she find him in? I couldn’t tolerate this for a long and nope. Just nope. I had to dnf that one at about 10%.

Related: Reader Rant! Alpha Holes… Do you love them or hate them?

Shilly Shally:

This frustrating heroine is the one that can’t make up her mind. Does she love him, does she not? Who knows because she damn sure doesn’t. This probably the one that I am in real life lol, but in books when she is sending mixed signals and she thinks she likes him but something small will make her change her mind about him? Yeah. I want to pull my hair out.

Whiney McWhinerston aka Negative Nancy:

This heroine basically feels like the world is out to get her and is constantly complaining about it. It’s never her fault and everything that could go wrong does go wrong, and it’s just one thing after another and she just won’t stop whining about it! Just. COME ON!!


This is that girl. You know the one. She has this secret up her sleeve that if she were to tell the hero about this said secret things could be handled properly and it wouldn’t be a big deal. BUT she REFUSES to tell him, even when he POINT BLANK asks her about it. She just OMITS the truth thinking, I don’t know what? That if she ignores it, it will just go away?   This usually ends up blowing up in her face and makes me, the reader kind of… irritable.

Which of these heroine’s drive you crazy the most? Or do you have another heroine that bothers you even more that these??

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