Faked by Karla Sorensen

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I loved Focused by Karla Sorensen and and pretty much everything of hers that I’ve read, so when I remembered that I wanted to read Faked I jumped on it and couldn’t put it down!

Check out my full review below or on YouTube, make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss a video!

Faked by Karla Sorensen is a must read bad boy sports romance with a twin swap that was funny, swoony and sweet!

Every action has a consequence, and Claire Ward knows it. And yet, even knowing that her decision to swap places with her identical twin sister, Lia, for a night could be disastrous, she still does it.


Because it will give her an evening with the man she’s been crushing on for years, Lia’s best friend, Finn.

Miss Straight A Student has thought through all the angles, and knows the risk is worth it. And everything would have been fine, if Finn had been the one to show up at her door.

But it wasn’t.

Bauer Davis— Finn’s half brother and his exact opposite in just about every definable category is the one waiting for her instead. A professional snowboarder, Bauer is covered in ink, full of attitude, and has a chip on his shoulder the size of Mt. Olympus. The kind of bad boy that Claire has never been attracted to before.

Now the good girl is with the wrong brother for a night, and when the consequence is that they have to pretend to be together for an event, it’s nothing she could have predicted. But maybe, just maybe, what makes Bauer so bad, is exactly what Claire needs.

Ward Sisters Series Reading Order

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