Exclusive Interview & Excerpt with Kelsey Clayton

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I am so excited to have a chance to chat with Kelsey Clayton ahead of her latest release, The Saint, an enemies to lovers novel in her, Haven Grace Prep series.

I had the chance to interview Kelsey Clayton ahead of her new release, The Saint, the second book in the Have Grace Prep series.

HEA Novel Thoughts: What is your favorite thing to do when you aren’t wearing your author hat?

Kelsey Clayton: Either catch up on shows like Grey’s Anatomy and The Resident or listen to music.

HEA: What is the most recent book to make you cry?

KC: Reading: Breathe by CL Matthews
Writing: The Saint

HEA: What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?

KC: Honestly, I find that the majority of the time, I write the opposite sex better. But if I had to pick something, I’d say feelings. It’s easy to make a hero look weak with female type emotions.

HEA: Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

KC: I like to put Easter Eggs in all my books. The only person who could probably figure them all out would be my best friend.

HEA: How long on average does it take you to write a book?

KC: About three weeks if procrastination doesn’t get the better of me.

HEA: If you could go back and give your younger self advice, what would it be?

KC: Start writing when your mom tells you to. Don’t brush her off.

HEA: Do you have any tips or hacks that help you stay organized in life, writing or social media?

KC: I usually stick to a pretty clear outline that stays all over my office wall in post-it’s the whole time I’m writing the book. Social media though, I’m a mess.

HEA: Do you relate more to one of your characters than the others?

KC: I like to think I put a little of myself in every character I write. It’s hard not to.

HEA: If a reader discovers your books today, where would you recommend they start reading?

KC: Either The Sinner or Returning to Rockport.

About The Saint


A mistake waiting to happen.

Knox Vaughn is the epitome of a bad boy.
He’s trouble in a sexy-as-sin package.
I know it.
They know it.
Even he knows it.

But, it’s like a moth to the flame.
I can’t stay away—even though I’m going to get burned.
You know what they say,
The sinners are much more fun.
And this saint is changing the game.



Delaney Callahan is perfect,
Too perfect for me.
Hell, she’s too perfect for anyone.

She’s an angel,
But with me, she’s playing with the devil.
I’m the last thing a woman like her needs.
And yet, I can’t keep my hands—and mouth off of her.
We’re from two different worlds,
Worlds that can’t possibly work.
I’d do anything for her,
But I can’t be the SAINT she deserves.


A mistake waiting to happen.

Knox Vaughn is the epitome of a bad boy.
He’s trouble in a sexy-as-sin package.
I know it.
They know it.
Even he knows it.

But, it’s like a moth to the flame.
I can’t stay away—even though I’m going to get burned.
You know what they say,
The sinners are much more fun.
And this saint is changing the game.



Delaney Callahan is perfect,
Too perfect for me.
Hell, she’s too perfect for anyone.

She’s an angel,
But with me, she’s playing with the devil.
I’m the last thing a woman like her needs.
And yet, I can’t keep my hands—and mouth off of her.
We’re from two different worlds,
Worlds that can’t possibly work.
I’d do anything for her,
But I can’t be the SAINT she deserves.

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About Kelsey Clayton

Kelsey Clayton is a 29-year-old mother from a small town in lower Delaware. Born and raised in New Jersey, she discovered her love for writing when she used it as a coping mechanism to get through hard times. Since then, she has been passionately writing novels that make people fall in love with the characters and the storylines. She writes from a mix of personal experience and imagination. As an avid beach lover, her dream is to write an entire book with her feet in the sand.

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