Exclusive Excerpt of Abducted by an Alien Savage

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This week’s Kindle Unlimited Spotlight is on Ivy McAdams latest release, Abducted by an Alien Savage, check out this exclusive excerpt below and grab your copy today!

Romance Novel Excerpts

When I first open my eyes, I can’t figure out why everyone is screaming. A girl near me is crying and shouting. Who fell asleep with the scary movie channel playing again?

Then I realize I’m moving. The ground is far below me, rocking back and forth with the footsteps of the person carrying me.

Wait, not a person.

The attack on our cruiser earlier comes rushing back. The giant disgusting bug-looking aliens that snatched everyone from the ground like we were a bunch of Easter eggs. All the shooting and screaming.

Then the huge silver men on dinosaurs had shown up.

Riding fucking dinosaurs!

I was ready to rain down praises and lofty promises I didn’t intend to keep to the beautiful creatures that saved us, until one of them had speared our gunman through the chest Rambo-style. Holy shit. I must have blacked out or something after that because now I’m dangling in the air.

Some sickening screams draw my attention and I look at the girl hanging in front of me. She’s tucked under the arm of one of our rescuers like a tiny poodle being taken to the vet and another girl hangs limp on the other side. The alien man has long legs and an amazing V-shaped frame that tapers down into the waist of some form-fitting leather chaps and a loincloth.

I jerk my head up to stare at the alien carrying me. I’m not being held around the middle like a sack of potatoes like the others. He has me cradled against his chest, and I can hear the steady thump of his heartbeat.

His gaze is trained ahead of us, and we’re tailing three other aliens carrying members of my tour group. 

My heart melts in relief and I want to hug him. Thank goodness these guys came around to save us from those insect monsters. There’s not a can of Raid big enough to get rid of those fuckers.

Now that we’re no longer in imminent danger, I take a moment to stare at my rescuer. I am a scientist after all. I’m curious about alien life forms. No matter if they’re my new best friends or not.

This Kindle Unlimited Spotlight is on an alien romance, read this exclusive excerpt of Abducted by an Alien Savage Alien by Ivy McAdams.

‘Abducted by an Alien Savage’ by Ivy McAdams

The angles of his face are interesting. High cheekbones and a strong jaw that would be considered quite attractive on Earth. It’s difficult to see much of his face from underneath his chin, and my eyes travel down his thick neck to his wide shoulders. They’re quite large, with his pewter-colored skin stretched tight over the hard muscles. My eyes linger and I find my tongue moving over the inside of my teeth, tempted to see what taut gray meat tastes like.

Hot damn. I clamp my mouth shut tighter at my odd reaction.

Pull yourself together. You didn’t die back there. No need to fawn over him. Those were false promises you were declaring, remember?

I go back to studying him silently. Along the side of his neck and trailing down his shoulders are dark scales, a swirl of silvers that reminds me of campfire smoke on a clear night. 

I’m pressed against the wide wall of his chest. It’s hard but warm. I’m tempted to press a palm to his huge pec muscle.

I almost follow through this time. Until I hear the soft chirp of an animal nearby.

When my head swings around, it comes face to face with a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

About Ivy McAdams

Ivy McAdams is all about the thrills, be it falling in love or action-packed adventure. The more heart-pounding the better.

Exotic worlds are her slice of pie. Undiscovered planets, enchanting fantasy realms, or even the more sinister side of the wild west frontier. Finding romance in these otherworlds is one of her favorite adventures.

When not writing, she’s taking care of two beautiful girls and teaching them to adore books as much as she did growing up. She can’t wait until they’re big enough to go on exciting adventures with her, both on the page and off.

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