Excerpt of I Knead You Tonight by Teagan Hunter

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I am so excited for my first ever Kindle Unlimited Spotlight and my first one ever is from Teagan Hunter, with an exclusive excerpt of I Knead You Tonight.

Romance Novel Excerpts

I can pinpoint the exact moment I started hating Drew Woods.

When I met her.

“Are you a virgin?”

I peel my eyes away from the amazing rack I’ve been admiring for the last few seconds, grinning at the girl glaring back at me. “Excuse me?”

“Well, you’re staring at my tits like you’re a thirteen-year-old boy who just got his hands on his first nudie mag. So, I repeat: are you a virgin or something? You never seen an actual girl before?”

“You offering to deflower me if I am?”

She throws her head back, laughing so hard the perfect tits I’ve been staring at bounce.

And bounce and bounce and bounce.

Because she’s still fucking laughing at me.

“Oh, god. Thank you for that. I really needed a laugh today.”

“Is the thought of having sex with me that hilarious?”

She flicks her eyes up and down my body. “I don’t even know you.”

I stick my hand out. “Winston Daniels. Nice to meet you…” I trail off, waiting for her to provide her name.

“Daniels? Are you related to Wren?”

I nod, wondering how she knows my sister.

“Then Simon is your dad, right?”

“Yeah…” I draw out. “Who are you again?”

She places her hand in mine. “I’m Drew Woods. Your dad just hired me for the waitressing position.”

“What waitressing position? We aren’t hiring.”

“We are now,” my dad interrupts, appearing behind the bar, arms crossed, eyes hard. “Winston, you’re fired.”

Mouth agape, I glance back at Drew, who is barely holding back her laughter.

“Guess I just took your job. Tough luck, virgin.”

And just like that, I hated her.

I mean, sure, my dad gave me my job back after two days of begging, but whatever.

The damage was done.

It didn’t matter that she had an amazing rack or that her curves were what dreams are made of. It didn’t matter that her sharp tongue made me laugh more than it ever hurt me. 

I hated her because she was everything I always wanted and nothing I could ever touch. She wouldn’t let me get that close; that much was obvious, so I’ve kept my distance. Played into our game of who can hurt who the most. Let everyone think we’re mortal enemies all while I have to talk my dick down any time I’m around her.

I hate Drew Woods.

But not because I don’t like her.

I hate her because I do like her…and she won’t let me have her.

I Knead You Tonight by Teagan Hunter is an emotional hate to love romantic comedy with a single mother that will fall in love with.

‘I Knead You Tonight’ by Teagan Hunter

“There. That should do,” Drew says as she arranges the pillows on the couch for the millionth time.

I have no idea how they ended up on my bill, but I’d already swiped my card and the last thing I wanted to do was stand there arguing with the salesperson when there was a screaming baby in my ear, especially after we’d already been there for so many damn hours.

Decorative pillows it is.

“I’m going to go make us some dinner, if that’s okay.”

“You don’t have to ask my permission to eat, Drew.”

“You know, I was going to ask if you wanted me to make enough for two but”—she lifts a shoulder—“go fuck yourself.”

I bark out a laugh.

Only she would be brave enough to tell the person helping her to go fuck himself.

She flounces out of the room, not a care in the world.

I stare down at the baby sleeping on my brand-new couch, barricaded in with pillows. It’s hard for me to fathom how something so sweet could come out of something so sassy.

He looks so tiny, his little hands balled into fists as he snoozes away. His cheeks are chubby, and bright red hair peeks out from under the hood of his polar bear jammies.

Which is odd, because neither his mother nor his shitbag father have red hair.

I would know. I had my fingers tangled in a fistful of it as I held him off the ground.

When I found out how he reacted to Drew being pregnant, never coming around and basically calling her a whore and saying the baby wasn’t his behind her back, I didn’t waste any time in hunting his ass down and giving him a piece of my mind…and my fist.

“Fine.” I snap my eyes Drew’s way as she stomps back into the living room. “I’ll—” She pauses, her attention dropping to the couch. “You can hold him. If you want to, I mean.”

I scoff. “Hold your gremlin who keeps me up all night with his squawking? Did hell freeze over and I missed it?”

“He doesn’t even make that much noise,” she argues, not the least bit surprised by me not wanting to hold him.

I point to myself. “Light sleeper.”

“Whatever.” She waves her hand. “I’m making you a sandwich. Not because I like you, but because I feel obligated. Hope you like mustard and mayo.”

“What if I don’t?”

“Well then tough fucking shit. Dinner will be ready in five. Go wash up.”

I tap my temple. “I’ll be outside getting my head right.”

She sighs but doesn’t say anything, heading back into the kitchen as I make my way out the back door.

I grab my trusty box and lighter and take up my usual spot on the deck.

Lighting the joint, I inhale, holding the sweet surrender in my lungs as long as I can as I admire the sea that calls to me like a siren. I itch to go inside and grab my camera to capture the waves in their nighttime essence.

I knew the coast was where I belonged the moment we stepped foot in this town when I was thirteen.

I’ve been a slave to the waves ever since. They’re my favorite thing to photograph.

I suppose it’s the one upside to never being able to sleep. Early mornings are my favorite time to catch on film.

“One turkey sandwich and chips,” Drew says, sliding a plate down the railing.

“Complete with mayo and mustard?”

“Maybe a little something extra.”

I grab the sandwich and take a bite. Chew. Swallow. “Yep, hate and discontent. I can taste it.”

“Weird. Mine tastes like it was made with love.”

“You’d never make anything for me with love. Poison, maybe. Love? Never.”

“I think that’s a fair assessment.”

About Teagan Hunter

TEAGAN HUNTER is a Missouri-raised gal, but currently lives in South Carolina with her Marine veteran husband, where she spends her days begging him for a cat. She survives off coffee, pizza, and sarcasm. When she’s not writing, you can find her binge-watching various TV shows, especially Supernatural and One Tree Hill. She enjoys cold weather, buys more paperbacks than she’ll ever read, and never says no to brownies. For more information, please visit www.teaganhunterwrites.com.

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