Excerpt: Mine to Protect by Kennedy L. Mitchell

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Oh my goodness, you know that I love a good romantic suspense, it’s one my utter favorite tropes of all time and when I saw that the sign up for Mine to Protect you by Kennedy L. Mitchell I couldn’t say yes fast enough. I even had the chance to meet Kennedy in person at a signing in Dallas earlier this year. I hope you love this Mine to Protect excerpt. Stay to the end to pre-order your copy!

Romance Novel Excerpts

“Stay away from me, Lady.”

Her eyes met mine, daring her to push back. “What? I didn’t mean—”

“I’m not the man you think I am. I’m an asshole with more control issues than they can diagnose. I’m not a nice guy.”

“But I’m safe,” she whispered in a voice so fragile, it chipped at my resolve to stay away for her sake.

Fuck, that weak voice cracked every restraint I had. All she wanted to be was safe, and that was the one thing I could offer. “No one—I repeat, no one will touch you while I’m here. That is a fact you shouldn’t question.”

Her tight shoulders dropped, her lips parted in a relieved sigh. There was trust there, trust I hadn’t earned yet, but still she gave it—to me, a nobody.

Fuck it.

Mine to Protect by Kennedy L Mitchell is one heck of a romantic suspense novel. From the beginning things are intense and a little on the creepy side, but if you love suspense you will be sucked right into it!

Narrowing my eyes, I crouched directly in front of her, inching closer until her back pressed against the brick hearth. Inches from her nose, I inhaled each of her shaky breaths, savoring the heated fear that pulsed off her as her eyes darkened with lust. She needed to be scared of me, to run in the opposite direction.

Still I dared another inch closer, hoping she’d push me off, praying she wouldn’t.

I slid a hand around the hot skin of her delicate neck.

“I don’t know how to be gentle, Lady,” I growled.

Her breath hitched at the minuscule squeeze of my fingers around her throat.

“What if I don’t want gentle?” she breathed.

“What do you want?”

Light brown brows pulled together in thought, but her hazel eyes stayed locked with mine. “You.”

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