Best of Intentions by LK Farlow

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 Best of Intentions by LK Farlow is a sweet best friends brother, small town romance, and it sucker punched me with emotions!
Best of Intentions by LK Farlow

Released April 18, 2019

Nate Reynolds is everything I shouldn’t want. Aside from being my best friend’s older brother, he’s a cocky, smooth-talking, panty-dropping playboy of a cop. And yet, I’m helplessly drawn to him.

His charm and good looks reduce me to a fumbling, mumbling teenaged version of myself, which pretty much guarantees that nothing will ever come of my silly crush.

Until the night of my best friend’s wedding.

Jenny Jones is the definition of innocence. She’s also my little sister’s best friend, making her completely off limits. She’s a forever kind of girl with hearts in her eyes, where I’ve always been more of a love ‘em and leave ‘em kind of guy.

Until a night spent between the sheets with her has me questioning everything I thought I wanted.

I tried my hardest to stay away, but you know what they say about the best intentions . . .

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Best of Intentions was even better than Best Laid Plans! I know that’s a bold statement, considering how good it was, but it’t the truth!

Nate and Jenny had me in stitches! Their chemistry was palpable, but yet Nate refused to give in and as frustrating as that could be at times, once I knew his reasoning my heart broke for him even more. He was trying to do what was best, even if he broke his own heart in the process.

I loved how the relationships with their friends and family was such a key component to this story. They were their biggest supporters, not just cheering on their relationship, but actually helping them along when they needed it the most.

I cried and laughed and swooned. I was an emotional mess while reading Best of Intentions. I didn’t know what to expect when I started reading this sweet best friends brother romance, but I was sucker punched with emotions!

The Best on Intentions is filled with so much goodness I can’t even begin to fully describe the joy and pain I got from reading it. If you are a fan of drama and grand gestures you will fall in love with this story!

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