Anticipated Summer RomComs 2020!

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OMG! I can’t believe it’s that time of year again!! Summer is just around the corner and down here in Texas it’s already hot out! It’s time to find the must read books of the season and for me, romcoms seem to always fit the bill!

Not only do all of these romantic comedies sound amazing, but I love all the covers because I am definitely the judge a book by it’s cover type and I’m not sorry about that!

Get ready to laugh out loud when you read these summer romcoms! You are guaranteed to be in stitches when you layout with these books!

The Boyfriend Project by Farrah Rochon

Samiah Brooks finds out that her boyfriend is playing her, not just with one girl but TWO! When the three women find out, they decide that they need to take the next six months to devote to themselves. We’ve all heard it before, but when she stops looking, what does find? Possibly the man of her dreams.

Up Close and Personal by Kathryn Freeman

A modern reversal take on The Bodyguard, has close protection officer Kat Parker, protecting the hottest new actor from his stalker! Will she be able to resist him and remain professional or fall under his spell just like everyone else?

The Never Have I Ever Club by Mary Jayne Baker

Robyn finds out that the man she thought she would marry had decided to leave her and move across the world. Being in a funk she gets the brilliant idea for her and her neighbor to start a “Never Have I Ever” club by getting together and knocking things off of their bucket lists. While all of this is going down, she finds herself falling in love with Will.

She just has two small problems. Will is her ex’s twin bother and her ex is moving home and he wants Robyn back!

Sex and Vanity by Kevin Kwan

Luccie Churhill, is adamant that she isn’t into George Zao, she can’t stand him and his gallant ways, or the way he kisses her when she’s on vacation. She moves on and gets engaged to a wonderful man, and everything is going well until George shows up in East Hampton. She tries to keep him out of her world, but she only seems to spin more webs of deceit and does everything she can not to get tangled in her own web of lies.

One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London

Bea is frustrated and annoyed by the lack of body diversity on her favorite dating reality show. She has sworn off dating herself to focus on her career- until she gets call from the dating show! She agrees, but tells them up front she won’t be falling in love. But as she finds herself among handsome eligible men, she must decide if she is willing to risk her heart and actually give love a chance.

The Heir Affair by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan

A a sordid secret comes out the seemingly fairy-tale relationship between Bex and Prince Nicholas, they go on a self-imposed exile. The public along with the Queen are angry and the press want nothing more than to get the scoop! When they are needed back in London, things start to unravel as more secrets are revealed and She and her husband must face it all head on.

Take A Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert

Danika doesn’t have time for men, except between the sheets, so she is asking the universe for the perfect friend-with-benefits so she can stay focused. When she believes she meets the perfect candidate things get turned upside and complicated quicker than she expected. Is she being tested or is the world telling her to take a hint?

Mr Malcom’s List by Suzanne Allain

Mr. Malcolm is searching for a wife, but not just any woman will do. He’s tired of the match making and desperate debs so he decides to make a list of requirements that he wants met. He finally meets a woman that fits the bill, but she decides that she has a list of her own, not to mention her friend who wants revenge on Mr. Malcolm himself.

You Had Me at Hola by Alexis Daria

After a break up soap star Jasmine, finds herself returning to her hometown of NYC to start filming a romantic comedy, but when they had a last minute casting change, a bad first impression could ruin things for her and her new co-star, Ashton. Ashton, signed on to this film in hopes to find favor with agents in the states after being killed off of another telenovela. Can these two figure out their on screen chemistry to save them both and keep them out of the tabloids?

Eighty Days to Elsewhere by KC Dyer

Romona, dreams of being a photographer and traveling the world but instead finds herself working at her uncle’s quaint bookstore in NYC. When a new landlord arrives with his nephews and talks of tripling their rent, she takes on impossible task. Romy, must travel the world in less than 80 days taking pictures from the classic book and setting up travel plans for a literary adventure of Around the World in 80 Days. When she learns of her competition, the nephew of her landlord, she has to try not to fall in love with the enemy.

Loathe at First Site by Suzanne Park

Melody Joo gets her dream job as video game producer, but with it being a male dominated field she faces a new set of challenges and obnoxious comments. When she jokingly creates a app that turns viral, she’s suddenly running the show, but with the CEO’s nephew on the team she”s afraid that he will comprimse her work, but he’s smarter than she expected. Just when her project is about to launch she is faced with trolls and her the intern she’s crushing on may be the only one there to help!

You Lucky Dog by Julia London

Carly is talked into fostering a depressed basset hound by her sister even though she already has a lot on her plate. But one date fate, or the dog walker mixes her pup with another basset, a perky girl and she is surprised to find a handsome Max Sheffington. Although, they are polar opposites they start to spend time together, because Max’s dog Hazel is the only thing that cheers up the grouchy Baxter. Will these two dogs teach their humans that sometimes, opposites do attract?

What are some romantic comedies you are looking forward to reading this summer??

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