Romantic Suspense Novels You will Read in One Sitting!

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I’ve been binge watching Criminal Minds on Netflix, since I finished the Bundy Tapes, there is just something about serial killers, and murderers in general that I find intriguing. I think it’s the hunt and the detectives finding the persona and then figuring out their why. Why do these people go on these crazy killing sprees.

The one thing that these shows are lacking are the elements of love mixed into them.  Obviously as a romance book blogger, I love to see characters fall in love. This is where romantic suspense books come into play.

When I say suspense, I really mean mystery books. I’m not saying a book where the characters are in suspended trying to figure out someone’s secret past. I’m talking there is a stalker, a murderer on the loose, or someone has mysteriously disappeared.

I want to be scared. I want to have my heart beating from the thought of being taken by a killer. I want to be shocked and surprised by the killer.

These romantic suspense novels fit the bill and if you are in need of romantic suspense fix, you will love these mystery romance books.

Romantic suspense novels will keep you on edge of your seat, falling in love amidst a solving murder and tracking stalkers.

Mine to Protect by Kennedy L Mitchell

Mine to Protect by Kennedy L Mitchell is one heck of a romantic suspense novel. From the beginning things are intense and a little on the creepy side,be prepared to look over your shoulder and be more cautious for a while after reading.

“The stalker, the killer. The protector. I would find her. I would save her. That was the fact I had to zero in on, because the alternative would render me paralyzed and utterly useless in the search for her.”

Bennett Mafia will have you on the edge of your seat in suspense and falling in love with the bad boy in this opposites attract mafia romance.

Bennett Mafia by Tijan

I couldn’t put it down and couldn’t wait to see what happened next! From the start you have a heavy sense of foreboding and desire to know what really went down. In any mafia romance it’s hard to know who is being honest and who can trust and it was no different in my Bennett Mafia.

“You deserve the goddamn moon and stars and all the cheesy lines in the world, because it’s true. You are my goodness. My redemption. My lifeline.”

Never Tell by Lisa Gardner

Never Tell was an intense mystery that kept me engaged throughout and unable to figure out the killer until all of the characters realized ti as well. I thought I pegged the killer from the beginning, but ho boy was I wrong.

“In movies, everyone loves the kickass heroine. I’m less convinced the average man wants one in real life.”

Say You’re Sorry by Karen Rose

From the beginning Say You’re Sorry sucked me into the dark mind of a sociopathic killer and I freaking loved it. It’s what all romantic suspense should aspire to be!

“Once he got his hands on her  . . . He fantasized her on her knees, begging his forgiveness. She’d tell him she was sorry. They always said they were sorry. Eventually.”

The Au Pair Emma Rous review

The Au Pair by Emma Rous

The plot and the uncertain identities, the feel of someone after you and watching your every move will have you on the edge of seat and on the edge mentally.

“I focused on the moment, with no thoughts of the barriers that ought to separate us, and no consideration of the consequences. We wanted each other. We needed each other. “Don’t”

Touching Sin is the first book in the brand new Vegas Sin series by J. Saman. These are romantic suspense reads set in Las Vegas.

Touching Sin by J. Saman

I was on the edge of my, with the feeling of needing to look over my shoulder while reading Touching Sin. There was a few possible outcomes that I came up with on my own and man that had me a tad stressed.

“He nods as he rights himself, sauntering over like he’s got all the time in the world to stalk his prey. Me. I’m most definitely his prey as he enslaves me with his incisive stare. My heart kicks up into hyper-drive. My mouth bone dry, my stomach in knots and my skin prickles.”

blidning echo romantic suspense

Blinding Echo by Tina Saxon

Blinding Echo was brilliantly written with twists I didn’t see coming and a second half that had me gasping for a breath.

“If a man can’t accept my flaws, our story won’t be worth reading. He’d be moved to my did-not-finish pile.”

So Wrong It's Right is the final book in Julie Johnson's interconnected romantic comedy series, Boston Love. It's the perfect blend of humor and suspense.

So Wrong It’s Right by Julie Johnson

So Wrong It’s Right is exactly what I have come to expect from Julie Johnson’s Boston Love Series. It has funny, rife with sexual tension and filled with suspense.

“Sometimes, the heroine isn’t perfect. Sometimes, she’s not a born warrior at all. She’s just a normal girl, pulled from the sidelines into the fray.”

The Cheerleaders is a visceral tale that will haunt me for books and years to come! A five star read for anyone who enjoys YA suspense.

The Cheerleaders by Kara Thomas

The story is a candid portrayal of grief and how everyone deals with or avoids the truth so they don’t have to suffer. The Cheerleaders is a visceral tale that will haunt me for books and years to come!

“I watch you chew on your pen cap when you are thinking I watch you in the hall,laughing, your eyes missing mine I wish I knew what you were thinking I wish I were in on the joke. The hair on the back of my neck pricks as I skim the rest. It’s more of the same. A demented poem. A stalker’s manifesto…”

The Royal Runaway by Lindsay Emory is witty, charming and intense. It's a must read for fans of all things royal, the added suspense is perfectly balanced.

The Royal Runaway by Lindsay Emory

The Royal Runaway is charming, witty and intense! You don’t want to miss this incredible story, there are twists and turns everywhere!

“He had blackmailed me, tricked me , and taunted me. I realized now that it wasn’t because of me. It was because of the brother whom he had come back to find.”

Murder Notes, the first book in the Liliah Love series, is full of secrets, lies and deceptions and will leave you needing to know how it ends.

Lilah Love by Lisa Renne Jones

Murder Notes is a story full of secrets, black spots and deception. You don’t know who to trust, who is corrupt and who is truly has Lilah’s back and that’s just her family and former friends.

“We’ve killed together. That’s a special kind of screwed up. Bonnie and Clyde have nothing on us.”

Check out more romantic suspense novels in Kindle Unlimited.

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