Sinking in the Shadows by Alexandria Bishop

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Sinking in the Shadows was even better than Dating in the Dark and I am DYING to get my hands on the conclusion of Tinely and Marek's Story!
Sinking in the Shadows by Alexandria Bishop
Series: The Dating Trilogy #2

Released May 18, 2018

The Dating Trilogy continues with Sinking in the Shadows…

She wasn’t looking for love.
She wasn’t looking for a happily ever after.
But Dating in the Dark gave her both.

Or so she thought.

Now with a broken heart and an unexpected surprise she doesn’t know if she’ll ever find her way back to both again.

Sinking in the Shadows is the second book in The Dating Trilogy and should be read after Dating in the Dark. Tinley and Marek’s story concludes in Loving in the Light.

I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

WOW. Just… wow! I thought that the end of the first book was going to kill me. But the ending of Sinking in the Shadows has me on this strange cusp of reality. Almost like when you are in a dream and you keep trying to see something and you just can’t no matter how many times try you just can’t see it!

Sinking in the Shadow had my so frazzled with nervous anxiety, because I needed answers immediately. I needed a resolution. Desperately. I did get answers, but that didn’t end to drama and slow down the story.

Tinely’s best friend, Dakota, had me irritated AF! She started acting shady in Dating in the Dark, but the farther we read into Sinking in the Shadows, she just really started to act… off. Lady that doth protest, ya know? I just wanted to shake her and be like look here woman. Support your best friend. SHE NEEDS YOU.

Tinley has so stinking much going on! So SO much. Like woah, y’all. I would tell you, but… I’m just going to dangle that carrot, because if you know me you know what I’m digging right here and it’s going to be freaking awesome. I think I hope. Because that cliffhanger? I makes me a little nauseous. Like. I want to puke not knowing what will happen next.

It legit could be ANYTHING. I’m dying to get my hands on Loving in the Light!

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