I Dare You by Ilsa Madden-Mills

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I Dare You by Ilsa Madden-Mills was such a fun and flirty read that had me sweating from the heat and intensity between Delaney and Maverick.

I Dare You by Ilsa Madden-Mills

Released April 26, 2018

Badass Athlete: I dare you to…
Delaney Shaw: Who is this?

The late night text is random, but “Badass Athlete” sure seems to know who she is…

Delaney Shaw.
Good girl.
Lover of fluffy kitties and Star Wars.

His dare? Spend one night in his bed–a night he promises will be unforgettable–and she can solve the mystery of who he is.

She knows she shouldn’t, but what else is she going to do with her boring Valentine’s Day? One sexy hook-up later, her mind is blown and the secret’s out.

Maverick Monroe.
Bad boy.
The most talented football player in the country.
Just ask him.

Too bad for him Delaney’s sworn off dating athletes forever after her last heartbreak.

But Maverick wants more than one night and refuses to give up on winning Delaney’s heart. She isn’t one to be fazed by a set of broad shoulders.

Will the bad boy land the nerd girl or will the secrets they keep from each other separate them forever?

I received this book for free from Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

I Dare You by Ilsa Madden-Mills was such a fun and flirty read that had me sweating from the heat and intensity between Delaney and Maverick. I am really digging college sports romance right now and book scratched the itch that’s been driving me crazy! I couldn’t get enough of this story, even if I was freaking out and scared something really bad was about to happen.

I was in love with this book from the prologue. I enjoyed Delaney’s wit and intelligence and Maverick’s cocky attitude and that he was just as witty was Delaney. It may have been the first time they met but it definitely wouldn’t be the last. Even if it took them a while to get back to each other.

“We’re connected. Two stars in the black velvet sky. Two ships passing in the night.”

There were so many elements that I loved in I Dare You, from the texting, to the awkward nerdy girl and the psycho sorority girl! I found Maverick simply irresistible even with his cocky attitude because he would do just about anything to take care of his family, even if I didn’t always agree with him. I mean… I kind of wanted to punch him in the face a time or two.

I really wish that I had more of their story though. I felt the ending was a little rushed and we could have more story, there was more too tell. I’m hoping we will get more of Delaney and Mav in the next book in the series.

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