The Hardest Fall by Ella Maise

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The Hardest Fall is a must read college sports romance that will make you, rip your heart out and put you back together better than you started.

The Hardest Fall by Ella Maise

Released April 18, 2018

The first time you meet someone, you make eye contact. You smile, say hello. Should be simple, if you’re anyone but me. The first time I met Dylan Reed, I found myself making eye contact with a different part of his body. You see, I’m very good at being shy, not to mention extremely well-versed in rambling nonsense and, unfortunately, rather highly skilled at making a fool of myself in front of a guy I’m attracted to.

At the time, I knew nothing about him and thought none of what I said would matter since I’d never speak to him again. Turns out, I was very wrong. He was the star wide receiver of the football team, one of the few players expected to make it into the NFL, and I ended up seeing him all over campus.
I might have also propositioned him, run away from him, attacked him with a cooking utensil…and…uh, maybe I shouldn’t tell you all of it. It’s pretty normal stuff, things you’d expect…from me. Eventually, the time came when I couldn’t hide anymore—not that he’d have let me even if I tried.
Before now, he never knew I was secretly watching him. Now that we see each other every day, he knows when I have a hard time looking away. It doesn’t help that I’m not the most subtle person in the world either.

He smiles at me and tells me he finds me fascinating because of my quirks. I can’t even tell him that I think my heart beats differently whenever he’s around.

He thinks we’re going to be best friends. I think I have a big thing for him, and the more I get to know him, the more I don’t care that I’m not allowed to be his friend, let alone fall for him.

The thing is, that’s exactly what I’m doing—what we’re doing, I think.



I received this book for free from Social Butterfly in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Ella Maise took a hiatus from writing and came back with The Hardest Fall and OH MY GOSH!! It was worth the wait! Holy crap! The book just ended and I already miss Zoe and Dylan! And JP, Chris, Jared, and Kayla, I just loved this book so hard!

The Hardest Fall is such a sweet romance that dealt with so much, from rough college relationships to broken families. Through it all the love that Dylan and Zoe had for each other, even when they were ‘just friends’ shined so bright. Zoe is shy and quirky in the most adorable way, you just want to be her best friend and hold her hand. Which is exactly how Dylan felt too. Speaking of hand holding, Dylan and Zoe were big on this and hugs, and OM freaking Gee!! It was so intimate and I feel like we need more of that in romance. I really loved all of the little touches here and there between the two of them. Their compatibly was off the charts! Dylan is 100% Zoe’s lobster. They are perfection.

I was sucked in from the first page of The Hardest Fall, in fact, I challenge everyone to read that first chapter without giggling. Dylan and Zoe’s meet-cute was so charming that I knew I would never want to put this book down. I had so many emotions flowing through me as I read, from anger, disgust, joy, sadness and even some fear all just churning through me. A couple of times I had to set the book down so I could catch my breath.

The Hardest Fall is a must read college sports romance that will make you, rip your heart out and put you back together better than you started.

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