#1 Player by T. Gephart

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#1 Player is a must read for all romantic comedy lovers! It has steamy scenes and strong friendships and just a bit of stalking!
#1 Player by T. Gephart

Released October 26, 2017

Lila Callan had an unconventional upbringing—unavoidable when your mother owns a brothel. But while she’d inherited some of her parents’ ‘wacky and offbeat’, she was also strong, independent and incredibly intelligent. The fact she was tall, beautiful and blond was a bonus she never really cared to exploit. She wasn’t uptight; it’s just that long term was more her thing, with zero interest in one-night stands.

Until she met Ryan York and then she isn’t so sure.

Blindingly good looking.
Insane body.
Infectious sense of humor.
And charm for days.
Ryan York was movie star material.
Except that he wasn’t.

He’d turned his back on the idea of hitting the big time, more content with being Eric Larsson’s—his best friend who was a movie star—right-hand man. Despite his laid-back persona, he was a guy who could get stuff done. And women lined up to be done by Ryan. He did not have a problem with that. Not. At. All.

Except his magical panty dropping powers didn’t seem to extend to the lovely Lila. And she wasn’t sure if she was going to teach the #1 player a new game, or find one herself.

One way or another, they were both getting naked.

Hilarious book quotes form #1 Player and more!!

I remember when #1 Crush was released and I finished it yearning for more from these characters! I needed their best friends book, it only made sense. I remember Facebook stalking T. Gephart and asking when this book would come out begging for it even. And then it released and another book in this series and somehow I managed to miss not just #1 Player, but #1 Rival as well!! It’s pretty tragic, but the great new is it was worth the wait!!!

Lila and Ryan have such an amazing chemistry and I loved their song and dance! The flirting games they would play with each other, the tempting, teasing, taunting was delicious. It really wasn’t a game of when or lose, but one of who would cave first. Ryan was known to have a revolving door of women, I mean he’s not the #1 player for no reason! 😉

#1 Player had the same crazy as #1 Fan, but toned down a bit because Lila is quite the same brand of crazy as her best friend, but oh goodness, Lila’s parents? In freaking sane in the best way possible! Her dad a former sheriff was always pulling out guns, and her mother… the owner of a brothel, was always handing the condoms like they were candy!

I feel like I should tell you that the story is a bit predictable, but when you read a lot of friends to lovers or when you are dating your best friend’s boyfriend best friends… things get a little… predictable as far as conflict goes, but that didn’t stop my heart from breaking or from figuring out exactly how it would be resolved.

#1 Player is a must read for all romantic comedy lovers! It has steamy scenes and strong friendships and just a bit of stalking!

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