The Studying Hours by Sara Ney
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Series: How to Date a Douchebag #1
Released September 13, 2017
No doubt about it, Sebastian ‘Oz’ Osborne is the university’s most celebrated student athlete—and possibly the biggest douchebag. A walking, talking cliché, he has a filthy mouth, a fantastic body, and doesn’t give a sh*t about what you or anyone else thinks.
Make no mistake, Jameson Clarke may be the university’s most diligent student—but she is no prude. Spending most of her time in the hallowed halls of the library, James is wary of pervs, jocks, and douchebags—and Oz Osborne is all three.
She’s smart, sarcastic—and not what he expected.
He wants to be friends.
He wants to spend time with her.
He wants to drive her crazy.
He wants…
I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

The Studying Hours rocked my world! I was laughing and through the entirety of this book! Each chapter has a something douchey to say to kick off the chapter and I loved every bit of the douchieness…
Jameson is a buttoned up conservative, who hides away from douches behind her books and cardigans.
Sebastion Oz is the captain of the wrestling team and Jameson assumes that he is just another Dbag.
James and Oz meet at the library when his friends bet him that he can’t get James to kiss him. After one hot kiss in the library, Oz and James run into each other all the time and Oz begins the quest to get in Jameson’s pants.
Enough with the recap. I don’t usually do that so, my apologies. You are going to instantly fall in love with this and want to share tidbits with your friends. You are going love theses two and you are going to want to strangle the douche a time or two and you are going to want James to open her mouth and communicate her thoughts. But you are also going to cheer for them and squeeze them and want to hang out with them longer.
Remember, Don’t judge a girl by her cardigan and keep reading the Douchebag Series!