Finding a Way Back to Your Heart – 6 Second Chance Romances

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I’ve been in a crazy funk since returning to my day job this week.  I’ve been lacking any inspiration for a new post, even though I was able to come up with a bunch of different ideas, nothing really felt right.  My mind didn’t soar with possibilities until I turned on Spotify and heard this song.

Everyone’s definition of what a second chance romance is varies a little bit, but the element of second chance I want to focus on is getting back with an ex, where one or both characters are fighting their way back to their heart, just like like AJ and the rest of the guys are trying to do,  Often times one of the characters screwed up royally in this list and chaos ensued, but their chance at romance together hasn’t truly ended.

I have accumulated six of the best second chance romance novels that I have ever read.  In real life I’m not big on getting back with your ex, because I feel like you broke up for a reason, but in romance novels, you should probably always give your ex boyfriend one more chance to prove that they are worth giving another shot.

These six heart breaking second chance romances are must reads. They will break your heart and repair it so that it is bursting with love.
Waiting for her book review

Waiting for Her by Jennifer Van Wyk

This is a story of true persistence and love that never truly ended even when Bri ran away. Even thought it was hard for him, Grady was able to give Bri a second chance and the romance that ensued was beautiful!

“It doesn’t matter what happened in your past. What mistakes you made. My love for you, it doesn’t have a beginning or an end. I would have waited for you forever.”

Memories of us review

Memories of Us by Fabiola Francisco

Memories of Us is a story of high school sweethearts, that were torn apart after one huge mistake. Hunter is relentless in his pursuit of reconnecting and proving his love to Mackenzie.  It is romantic, but not in an over the top kind of way.

“I imagined tasting your lips again, but that dream felt so far away. My love for you never slipped. It couldn’t, because you’re the person I’ve always wanted. It was always you or no one.

The Faded Duet by Julie Johnson

The Faded Duet is all passion love and fury lit in stage lights as this combustible couple burns hot and fast and falls in love, but then ripped apart cruelly.  The pain we suffer with this couple is worth it for the beautiful story we get to live with them! My lips are a spark, his are gasoline. We combust into a burning flame as soon as they brush, on fire in the middle of a screaming crowd of strangers.

My lips are a spark, his are gasoline. We combust into a burning flame as soon as they brush, on fire in the middle of a screaming crowd of strangers.

Where Good Girls Go to Die is a delicious brother's best friend romance and second chance romance that I highly recommend.

Where Good Girls Go to Die by Holly Renee

Where Good Girls Go to Die is a beautifully written story of losing your first love and losing your innocence, finding your way back together in a way that hurts but in the best way possible. 

“But love is a word that is too weak and used too often to describe what I feel for you. It’s relentless and desperate, and every time you smile I fall harder and harder.”

When I Was Yours by Samantha Towle

When I Was Yours is filled to the brim with emotions! It’s been a couple of years since I’ve read it, but it a classic when it comes to second chance romances. Get ready to have your heart shattered and then healed.

“I don’t care about anything else. The past, the things we’ve said or done to hurt one another—none of it matters now because you’re here. And I love you so very much.”

Cuffed Review

Cuffed by K. Bromberg

Cuffed had me in tears, this couple had to fight so far hard for each other and prove that they will always be there, after a childhood promise was broken.

“I’m not going anywhere and neither are you, even if I have to handcuff you and your gypsy ways.”

Every single one of these second chance romances will break your heart and then heal it and make it so full your will be bursting with love!  I would love to hear what your favorite second chance romance is.  Show me a time when getting back with your ex worked out!

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