10 Things to Put in Your Instagram Stories

I know most of us already have a general idea of how we want our Instagram feed to look and are utilizing Planoly to plan it all out.  Even though Instagram stories aren’t new any more, they are the way of the future, Instagram gurus say that it’s the way to grow your following in 2018! I am NOT an expert when it comes to my stories, but I do know what I *should* be doing.  You know the saying, do as I say, not as I do, that’s what I’m about to tell you.

If you need help to actually use Instagram stories, this is a great post, with step by step instructions from Buzzing Creatives. 

This list of ideas is geared toward people in the book world, but can be utilized by any Instagram Influencer.  Before I begin, I want to stress to you that these are Instagram STORIES, so ultimately use this platform to tell a story.  We are nosy by nature and want to know all of your weird quirky things. Do you use crunchy or creamy peanut butter? Are you allergic? People actually want to know this!

Insta stories

What you should be posting in your Instagram story:


A new author or blogger is born every day and they are looking to you and I to learn from… so if you think of something that was helpful to you share it!

Ex.  Don’t make excuses – get it done.


Did you love a line that you just wrote or read? Share it with the people watching your story! Drive intrigue. It doesn’t have to be a beautiful picture.

Ex. My love for your is brighter than all of the stars in the universe and greater than the distance to the farthest moon. – Amuletto Kiss by Gina LaManna


Create a teaser especially for Instagram stories, use the story dimensions! 1080px x 1920px

Behind the scenes

Are you typing your day away working on your next book? Editing video? Reading? Working on your next blog post? SHOW us WHERE you are doing that, what it looks like.  Take us around your home office, what your process looks like! PS. You can save that your highlights!


Test your fans knowledge! Create a quiz about you or your characters and see how much they pay attention. Make sure you give them a clear CTA [call to action].

Ex. Can you remember any of my top reads from last year? PM me if you do!

Custom phone background

Create a fun [branded] background that your followers can screenshot and set as their background! Check out the one in my Instagram Story, I will also save it to my highlights!


This one is legitimately the easiest one to do, because we all have a life. Even if we think it’s boring. Others won’t think so!

Ex. tell me what you did in your workout. BONUS if you are red and sweaty.  

Ask a question

This one is similar to the quiz, where we want a clear CTA in it. You can share your post from earlier in the day and tell the story watchers what you are talking about and go comment on it. Or just ask them a question and ask them to dm you!

Create a Poll

Polls are probably the easiest way to get engagement in your story! And now they give us TWO types of polls to use!

Ex. Did you vote today?

Mail and Unboxings

Do you get those amazing boxes delivered to your door monthly? SHARE it with the world. We want to see.  GIVE US FOMO. Make us want it. Same thing if you get books, either a book haul or if you are an author getting your books in.

Make sure you pin this post so your friends can use this too!!

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