How to Look Fly in No Time
Hey lady! I know just like me you want to look good and live an overall healthier life! I personally find it easier to spend time working out rather than eat healthy, because I am all about that carb life. In the past few months, I have met some amazing bloggers through the Boss Girl Creative podcast and community. One of those ladies is TJ Hadley from TJ Tells It! She was kind enough to put together an at-home workout for us, that ANYONE can do!

Strength Training At Home Workout from TJ of
Disclaimer: Please consult with your doctor before beginning an exercise regime. Please note I am not a licensed physical therapist or certified personal trainer.
- Move from head to toe including arm circles, claps front to back, rotate from the waist, knee circles, ankle circles, leg swings, touch toes, lunge stance quickly switching, and pull toes towards shins
- 2-4 Push-ups, 5-10 sit-ups and 10-20 jumping jacks OR 5-10 minutes of treadmill walking
Legs: 1-3 Sets of 5-10 reps(10 Seconds between each exercise)
- Walking Lunges
- Sumo Squats (Wide stance with toes facing out)
- Calf raises (1st set-toes facing forward, 2nd set-toes apart heels together, 3rd set- toes together heels apart)
Core: 1-3 Sets of 5-10 reps or 30 sec hold (10 Seconds between each exercise)
- Straight leg Sit-ups
- Hip Bridges
- Full Plank hold
- Supermans
- Side Plank Hold (each side)
Arms: 1-3 Sets of 5-10 reps (10 Seconds between each exercise)
- Push-ups (modification of on the knees or against the wall as needed)
- Chair Dips
- Shoulder shrugs w/3-10 lb dumb bells or large cans or 1.5-liter water bottles
- Bicep curls 3-10 lb dumb bells or large cans or 1.5-liter water bottles
- Front raises w/3-10 lb dumb bells or large cans or 1.5-liter water bottles – raise straight arms from waist to shoulder height. Arms should be out in front of the body
- Side raises w/3-10 lb dumb bells or large cans or 1.5-liter water bottles – raise arms from waist to shoulder height
Cool Down:
- 10-15 on treadmill OR walking laps around the room OR deep breathing to lower the heart rates as needed
- Stretch: quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, calves, glutes, arms across body, and arms overhead pull elbows
TJ also has a great healthy snack up on her blog! Make sure you check it out, it looks quite tasty!
I hope this helps you out! Don’t forget that you can always read a paragraph or two in between sets or listen to audio while working out! Keep working hard and you will look fly in no time!
PS. I’m not sure if fly is still a thing, maybe I should say fleek? I’m not sure. Have a great day!
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Joy, you and TJ make a great team! You’ve got a combo of some of my faves here, too: running, reading and eating! (I’m overlooking the part about the squats and lunges, LOL) TJ’s pepitas recipe looks like a keeper. She had me at “lime.”